Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Health Improvement Essay

To address this challenge, the world’s governments committed themselves at the United Nations Millennium Summit to the Millennium Development Goals, including the overarching goal of halving extreme poverty by the year 2015. Yet, our planet’s capacity to sustain us is eroding. The problems are well-known – degrading agricultural lands, shrinking forests, diminishing supplies of clean water, dwindling fisheries, and the threat of growing social and ecological vulnerability from climate change and loss of biological diversity. While these threats are global, their impacts are most severe in the developing world – especially among people living in poverty who have the least means to cope. Is this environmental decline inevitable in order for poverty to be reduced? We argue not. Indeed, quite the opposite is true. If we do not successfully arrest and reverse these problems, the world will not be able to meet the Millennium Development Goals, particularly the goal of halving extreme poverty. As this paper demonstrates, tackling environmental degradation is an integral part of effective and lasting poverty reduction. The 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) provides the international community with a pivotal opportunity to redirect the global debate, and to forge a more integrated and effective global response to poverty and environmental decline. To succeed, we need to focus on the most important links between poverty, the environment and sustainable development. For many, ensuring sound environmental management means curtailment of economic opportunities and growth, rather than their expansion †¦ too often; it is viewed as a cost rather than an investment. Prepared as a contribution to the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development focuses on ways to reduce poverty and sustain growth by improving management of the environment, broadly defined. It seeks to draw out the links between poverty and the environment, and to demonstrate that sound and equitable environmental management is integral to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, in particular eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, reducing child mortality, combating major diseases, and ensuring environmental sustainability. Four priority areas for sustained policy and institutional change are highlighted: ?Improving governance for pro-poor and pro-environment policies, institutions and services, with particular attention to the needs of women and children; ?Enhancing the assets of the poor and reducing their vulnerability to environment-related shocks and conflict; ?Improving the quality of growth to protect the asset base of the poor and expand opportunities for sustainable livelihoods; ?Reforming international and industrialized country policies related to trade, foreign direct investment, aid and debt. Policy opportunities exist to reduce poverty and improve the environment The environment matters greatly to people living in poverty. The poor often depend directly on natural resources and ecological services for their livelihoods; they are often the most affected by unclean water, indoor air pollution and exposure to toxic chemicals; and they are particularly vulnerable to environmental hazards such as floods and prolonged drought, and to environment-related conflict. Addressing these poverty-environment linkages must be at the core of national efforts to eradicate poverty. Many policy opportunities exist to reduce poverty by improving the environment – but there are significant and often deeply entrenched policy and institutional barriers to their widespread adoption. The past decade of experience since the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio reveals some important lessons that help point the way forward. Three broad lessons are highlighted here: ?First and foremost, poor people must be seen as part of the solution – rather than part of the problem. Efforts to improve environmental management in ways that contribute to sustainable growth and poverty reduction must begin with the poor themselves. Given the right incentives and support – including access to information and participation in decision-making – the poor will invest in environmental improvements to enhance their livelihoods and well-being. At the same time, however, it is essential to address the activities of the non-poor since they are the source of most environmental damage. The environmental quality of growth matters to the poor. Environmental improvement is not a luxury preoccupation that can wait until growth has alleviated income poverty, nor can it be assumed that growth itself will take care of environmental problems over the longer-term as a natural by-product of increasing affluence. First, this ignores the fundamental importance of environmental goods and services to the livelihoods and well-being of the rural and urban poor. Second, there are many examples of how bad environmental management is bad for growth, and of how the poor bear a disproportionate share of the costs of environmental degradation. Ignoring the environmental soundness of growth – even if this leads to short-run economic gains – can undermine long-run growth and its effectiveness in reducing poverty. ?Environmental management cannot be treated separately from other development concerns, but requires integration into poverty reduction and sustainable development efforts in order to achieve significant and lasting results. Improving environmental management in ways that benefit the poor requires policy and institutional changes that cut across sectors and lie mostly outside the control of environmental institutions – changes in governance, domestic economic policy, and in international policies. Improving governance ?Integrate poverty-environment issues into nationally-owned poverty reduction strategies, including macroeconomic and sect oral policy reforms and action programmes, so that they can become national sustainable development strategies. Engage poor and marginalized groups in policy and planning processes to ensure that the key environmental issues that affect them are adequately addressed, to build ownership, and to enhance the prospects for achieving lasting results. Address the poverty-environment concerns of poor women and children and ensure that they are given higher priority and fully integrated into poverty reduction strategies and policy reforms – for example, the growing burden of collecting scarce water and fuelwood supplies, and the effects of long-term exposure to polluted indoor air. Implement anti-corruption measures to counter the role of corruption in the misuse of natural resources and weak enforcement of environmental regulations – for example, the destructive impacts of illegal logging and unregulated mining, or the preference for construction of new power and water investments over increasing the efficiency of existing investments. ?Improve poverty-environment indicators to document environmental change and how it affects poor people, and integrate into national poverty monitoring systems. This should be complemented by measures to improve citizens’ access to environmental information. Enhancing the assets of the poor ?Strengthen resource rights of the poor by reforming the wider range of policies and institutions that influence resource access, control and benefit-sharing, with particular attention to resource rights for women. This includes central and sub-national government, traditional authorities, the legal system, and local land boards, commissions and tribunals. Support decentralization and local environmental management – land, water and forest resource management, and provision of water supply and sanitation services – by strengthening local management capacity and supporting women’s key roles in managing natural resources. ?Expand access to environmentally-sound and pro-poor technology, such as crop production technologies that conserve soil and water and minimize the use of pesticides, or appropriate renewable energy and energy e fficient technologies that also minimize air pollution. This includes support for indigenous technologies, and the need to address the social, cultural, financial and marketing aspects of technical change. ?Promote measures that reduce the environmental vulnerability of the poor by strengthening participatory disaster preparedness and prevention capacity, supporting the formal and informal coping strategies of vulnerable groups, and expanding access to insurance and other risk management mechanisms. Reduce the vulnerability of the poor to environment-related conflict by improving conflict resolution mechanisms in the management of natural resources and addressing the underlying political issues that affect resource access. Improving the quality of growth ?Integrate poverty-environment issues in economic policy and decision-making by strengthening the use of environmental assessment and poverty social impact analysis. Improve environmental valuation at both the macro and micro level, in order to highlight the full cost of environmental deg radation for the poor in particular and the economy in general, and to improve economic decision-making. ?Expand private sector involvement in pro-poor environmental management to maximize the efficiency gains from private sector participation, while safeguarding the interests of the poor. This requires capacity within government to negotiate with the private sector – for example, to ensure that utility privatization benefits the poor – and to forge effective public-private partnerships that enhance the poor’s access to environmental services. ?Implement pro-poor environmental fiscal reform including reform of environmentally-damaging subsidies, improved use of rent taxes to better capture and more effectively allocate resource revenues, and improved use of pollution charges to better reflect environmental costs in market prices. Reforming international and industrialized country policies ?Reform trade and industrialized country subsidy policies to open up markets to developing country imports while avoiding environmental protectionism, and to reduce subsidies that lead to unsustainable exploitation – such as subsidies for large-scale commercial fishing fleets that encourage over-harvesting in developing country fisheries. . Make foreign direct investment more pro-poor and pro-environment by encouraging multinational corporations to comply with the revised OECD Code of Conduct for Multinational Enterprises, and to report on the environmental impact of their activities in line with the UN Environment Programme’s Global Reporting Initiative. ?Increase funding for the Global Environment Facility as the major source of funding for global public goods in the environment, such as a stable climate, maintenance of biodiversity, clean international waters and the protective ozone layer. These benefit the whole world as well as the poor themselves – so the rich world must pay a fair share for their maintenance. ?Enhance the contribution of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) to national development objectives by strengthening developing country capacity to participate in the negotiation and implementation of MEAs (for example, to ensure that the Clean Development Mechanism promotes investments that benefit the poor). Also, improved coordination is needed between MEAs so that scarce developing country capacity is used most effectively. ?Encourage sustainable consumption and production – industrialized country consumers and producers through their trade, investment, pollution emissions and other activities affect the environmental conditions of developing countries. Making rich country consumption and production more sustainable will require a complex mix of institutional changes – addressing market and government failures as well as broad public attitudes. Enhance the effectiveness of development cooperation and debt relief with more priority for poverty-environment issues, particularly for the poorest countries where aid and debt relief continue to have a valuable role to play in helping governments to make many of the changes recommended above. Mainstream environment in donor agency operations through staff training, development and application of new skills, tools and approaches, and revisions to the way resources and budgets are allocated. Transparent monitoring of progress against stated objectives and targets is needed in order to hold development agencies accountable and to ensure that a commitment by senior management to addressing poverty-environment issues is put into practice throughout the organization. Conclusion This paper looks ahead with some degree of hope and optimism for the future – there are sometimes win-win opportunities, and there are rational ways of dealing with trade-offs. Environmental degradation is not inevitable, nor the unavoidable result of economic growth. On the contrary, sound and equitable environmental management is key to sustained poverty reduction and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. There are significant policy opportunities to reduce poverty and improve the environment, but more integrated and pro-poor approaches are needed. The World Summit on Sustainable Development is an opportunity to focus on what is most important and to forge a coherent framework for action, with clear goals and achievable targets backed-up by adequate resources and effective and transparent monitoring mechanisms. There can be no more important goal than to reduce and ultimately eradicate poverty on our planet. PART 1 Why the Environment Matters to People Living in Poverty â€Å"Water is life and because we have no water, life is miserable† (Kenya) â€Å"We think the earth is generous; but what is the incentive to produce more than the family needs if there are no access roads to get produce to a market? † (Guatemala) â€Å"In the monsoons there is no difference between the land in front of our house and the public drain. You can see for yourself† (India) In their own words, the environment matters greatly to people living in poverty. Indeed, poor people’s perceptions of well-being are strongly related to the environment in terms of their livelihoods, health, vulnerability, and sense of empowerment and ability to control their lives. Figure 1 provides a simplified framework for understanding how environmental management relates to poverty reduction, and why these poverty-environment linkages must be at the core of action to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and related national poverty eradication and sustainable development objectives. Environmental management for poverty reductionDimensions of povertyDevelopment goals Part 1 of the paper focuses on the poverty-environment relationship by examining how environmental conditions in both rural and urban settings relate to three key dimensions of human poverty and well-being: ?Livelihoods – poor people tend to be most dependent upon the environment and the direct use of natural resources, and therefore are the most severely affected when the environment is degraded or their access to natural resources is limited or denied; Health – poor people suffer most when water, land and the air are polluted; ?Vulnerability – the poor are most often exposed to environmental hazards and environment-related conflict, and are least capable of coping when they occur. We also are concerned with the relationship between growth and the environment and how it affects the poor and efforts to reduce poverty. The environmental soundness of growth matters considerably to the poor, and countries with similar levels of income and growth can have quite different levels of environmental performance. While Figure 1 illustrates the main pathways between environmental conditions and dimensions of poverty, in reality these linkages are multi-dimensional, dynamic and often inter-connected: ?Poverty is now widely viewed as encompassing both income and non-income dimensions of deprivation – including lack of income and other material means; lack of access to basic social services such as education, health and safe water; lack of personal security; and lack of empowerment to participate in the political process and in decisions that influence one’s life. The dynamics of poverty also are better understood, and extreme vulnerability to external shocks is now seen as one of its major features. Environment refers to the biotic and abiotic components of the natural world that together support life on earth – as a provider of goods (natural resources) and ecosystem services utilized for food production, energy and as raw material; a recipient and partial recycler of waste products from the economy; and an important source of recreation, beauty, spiritual values and other amenities. The nature and dynamics of poverty-environment linkages are context-specific – reflecting both geographic location and economic, social and cultural characteristics of individuals, households and social groups. Different social groups can prioritize different environmental issues (Brocklesby and Hinshelwood, 2001). In rural areas, poor people are particularly concerned with their access to and the quality of natural resources, especially water, cro p and grazing land, forest products and biomass for fuel. For the urban poor, water, energy, sanitation and waste removal are key concerns. Poor women regard safe and physically close access to potable water, sanitation facilities and abundant energy supplies as crucial aspects of well-being, reflecting their primary role in managing the household. ?Environmental management, as used in this paper, extends well beyond the activities of public environmental institutions. In relation to poverty, environmental management is concerned fundamentally with sustaining the long-term capacity of the environment to provide the goods and services upon which people and economies depend. This means improving environmental conditions and ensuring equitable access to environmental assets – in particular land and biological resources, and safe and affordable water supply and sanitation – in order to expand poor people’s livelihood opportunities, protect their health and capacity to work, and reduce their vulnerability to environment-related risks. This broader conception of poverty and environment, and of environmental management, is essential to understanding the linkages between them and to identifying appropriate policy and institutional options for improving these linkages. There have been some impressive gains since the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment – the first global conference devoted to environment and development issues. There has been a proliferation of environmental policies and institutions at national and sub-national levels, and environmental issues are firmly placed on the agendas of governments, civil society and the private sector. Major global environmental agreements have been forged and global environmental organizations established. Environmental sustainability has become a core concern of bilateral and multilateral development cooperation, and billions of dollars have been spent on environment-related programmes and projects. Tangible progress also has been achieved ‘on the ground’, although the picture is usually mixed. For example, in the 1990s some 900 million people gained access to improved water sources. However, this was merely enough to keep pace with population growth, and about 1. 2 billion people are still without access to improved water sources, with rural populations particularly under-served (Devarajan et al, 2002). Another example is the productivity of soil used for cereal production, which increased on average in developing countries from 1979-81 to 1998-2000. However, it fell in some 25 countries, most of them in Africa, with land degradation being one factor behind the decline (World Bank, 2002c). Despite these gains, pressure on the environment continues to mount worldwide, posing major challenges to the prospects for poverty reduction and human development in developing countries, in particular the least developed countries.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Narrator in Mark Twain’s “Huckleberry Finn” Essay

Mark Twain chose Huck Finn to be the narrator to make the story more realistic and so that Mark Twain could get the reader to examine their own attitudes and beliefs by comparing themselves to Huck, a simple uneducated character. Twain was limited in expressing his thoughts by the fact that Huck Finn is a living, breathing person who is telling the story. Since the book is written in first person, Twain had to put himself in the place of a thirteen-year-old son of the town drunkard. He had to see life as Huck did and had to create a character that could see life as Mark Twain saw it. Huck is more than Twain’s mouthpiece because he is a living character and is capable of shaping the story. The language that Huck uses shows what he sees and how he will pass it on to us. Something else that is apparent is that the humor of the book often depends on Huck’s language. In chapter fourteen, Huck is telling Jim about royalty in general which is an example of humor through language and incomplete education although sometimes he is not that far from the truth. ‘They [royalty] don’t do nothing! Why, how you talk! They just set around.’ ‘No; is dat so?’ ‘Of course it is. They just set around–except, maybe, when there’s a war; then they go to war. But other times they just lazy around; or go hawking–just hawking†¦when things is dull, they fuss with the parlyment; and if everybody don’t go just so he whacks their heads off. But mostly they hang round the harem.’ However, by using Huck’s language Twain creates character and establishes realism. Huck is capable of making Twain write something merely because it is not the kind of thing Huck would say or do, and he can force Twain to leave something out because Huck would not do or say that kind of thing. Huck is essentially good-hearted, but he is looked down upon by the rest of the village. He dislikes civilized ways because they are too restrictive and  hard. He is generally ignorant of reading and writing, but he has a sharply developed sensibility. He is imaginative and clever, and has a good eye for detail, though he does not always understand everything he sees, or its significance. This enables Twain to make great use of irony. Huck is basically a realist. He knows only what he sees and experiences. He does not have a great deal of faith in things he reads or hears. He must experiment to find out what is true and what is not. With this kind of personality, Huck is able to believe Jim’s superstition at some times and to distrust others. He also see Huck as he is, the opposite of Tom Sawyer. He is as stated before, a realist, and generally a regular person except when he goes off on Tom’s adventures or when he follows Tom’s lead. He is not ‘sivilizable.’ The end of the book makes this clear. He is where he was in the beginning: he left the Widow’s house, and he will leave Aunt Sally’s. Something in society and civilization appalls Huck. Huck learns from Jim, who is in some ways his substitute father. He does not believe in Jim’s superstition until the superstition proves itself true. He mocks the snakeskin until the snakeskin does its work. Huck rises to Jim’s level by accepting Jim’s superstitions. Huck enters Jim’s primitive world which, though crude, is more honest and real than Miss Watson’s world. He cannot go beyond this world. He won’t pray because he has not had any benefits from prayer. Huck is involved in adventures and is continually bothered by his conscience. All during the trip down river, he tries to answer the question whether he’s doing  right by the Widow’s sister and by Jim, or not. The obsession with justice  has him confused. Whatever he chooses to do, he’s wrong. He’s wronging Jim if he returns him to slavery; he’s wronging Miss Watson if he helps Jim escape. Huck has no way of knowing what is right. He must follow his feelings and the only thing he can do is to learn by experience. And he does. Using Huck Finn as the narrator of the book allowed Mark Twain to add more life, excitement, and realism in his writings. We can only think how good Mark Twain was at languages by how he writes. Twain created Huck, but soon Huck had his own personality and life and Mark Twain had to write with this character.

What makes a true community

Catholicism and Community Presentation T: According to the secular definition of community; Is It a group of people living In the same area with particular characteristics In common. Within the community there Is a feeling of fellowship for others, common attributes, Interests and goals. Communities are everywhere and they have a big Impact when shaping who we are. That Is why It Is Important to surround oneself with communities that reflect and lead us to who we really are. In terms of Catholicism, as humans we are very social which is part of our vocation.Therefore a community in the Catholic view is defined by the following†¦ G: A community is a gathering of a group of people that come together in solidarity to shape the world through the common good. For example, around the world the Red Cross supplies areas suffering from various disasters with relief. This picture exemplifies the community of volunteers that have come together to do the common good of helping out the less fortunate. This group of people represent the visual aspect of community. Without everyone's contribution people stand In isolation and Individualism.Plus even through group members can come from different backgrounds they work and put their deliverables aside to become equal. That Is why everyone's role Is essential when working toward the common good. T: A community gives loyalty and respect to the commitment of the community and positive actions. The quote that we choose to represent this is â€Å"Loyalty has its roots in respects, and respect is the fruit of Love† by Paulo Cello. This quote means to us that loyalty comes from the respect of the community. So therefore when people are respectful they show this through love.When a community is respected and you omit your time to it; it is another way to show love towards it and when you do this ultimately with the right guidance the community will develop positively. G: A community helps, supports and loves one another to d evelop social aspects. Knowing that we are social beings it is important to strengthen our social qualities. A community will support and help each other through thick and thin. In result from all of these encounters with one another we are developing our social valuables. Just like In the picture with all of the people communicating and Interacting with one another.The more we help the more we will be able to love and comfort each other and feel belonging to our social surroundings. Which overall will help what our call to be social. T: A community develops values and receives true happiness from doing the right thing. Whether by exercising rights, opinions, or sharing knowledge to understand perspectives and concepts one must develop values to do the right thing. Our values and morals inspire us to do good and true happiness will follow our actions. Life can be considered like a ladder, at different rungs comes new experiences and new values are learned.When new values are learned and applied within the community or outside of it, a true sense of happiness follows from doing the right thing. And a key thing to remember Is that climbing a ladder can't be accomplished alone Instead with a community to hold and steady the ladder for you. G: A community grows together and develops ones Identity, Through displaying talents and surrounding yourself with positive people you will learn more about interests. A community will teach you more about yourself than you could ever. By being with similar people to you, over time you will be able to reveal you own identity.This is part of the spiritual aspect of community and how we develop our conscious. To represent self revelation we showed this through a mirrors and the community holding them up. From the help of others to self reveal the whole community benefits and grows. T: A community takes responsibility for each other's happiness. The people within a true community with the same values will take responsibility to ma ke sure that everyone is having a similar feeling and understanding to take away from the experience. Kids are always full of Joy and happiness, primarily when they re around a group of friends.They always look out for each other and pick each other up when they are done. Communities have the same responsibility as kids do for their group of friends. They have to look out for each other's happiness and take responsibility that everyone is happy. G: Community is very important too Catholic's life and they are everywhere and began right at the beginning with the creation story of the Earth and Adam and Eve. This includes their responsibility to have dominion of the Earth. Therefore our tree in the background of our collage represents the Garden of Eden.In fact, a tree acts as community too; every part of a tree from the bark, roots to leaves and fruit must function for the community-based structure to work properly. This sense of community is very similar to modern day communities and our need of relationships. T: In conclusion, a community is a group of people in solidarity to shape the world through the common good, it is given loyalty and respect to complete these positive actions, it develops us into social beings through support, we receive happiness and values from the good, by working together we reveal our true identity and responsibility is taken for others happiness.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Jan Steens Wine is a Mocker painting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jan Steens Wine is a Mocker painting - Essay Example In addition, the title leads the viewer to identify it in a day to day context. At the same time, the real meaning is still hidden beneath the artist’s individual freedom to mock at the hypocrisy of human beings. Besides, the painting can be evaluated as a torn out page from real life with full of pain and grief. Thesis statement: The elements of design that can be seen in Jane Steen’s painting Wine is a Mocker prove that the work is comical but its theme, appearance, portrayal of life and message proves to be a serious work (special references to the elements of design). Theme The theme is simple because it deals with the human attempt to escape from problems in day to day life. Some people consider that consumption of alcohol is helpful to have temporary escape from the real world. But the escape is momentary and the real world is still there. In the painting, one can see a drunken lady and four children trying to help her. One of the most important elements of design made use by the artist in the painting Wine is a Mocker (see appendix -1) is point. To be specific, the artist provided ample importance to simple elements in the work. For example, the dog in the work is an unimportant element but it symbolizes life in the street. In the work, except the children, no one is ready to help the woman. ... The crafty usage of space helps the viewer to perceive the painting as two dimensional. The appearance of women The appearance of the women in the painting proves that she belongs to the lower strata of the society. This is important because it reveals the artist’s sympathy towards the downtrodden. The texture of the painting is smooth because it is painted in oil on canvas. One can see that the drunken woman’s appearance, especially her dress, reveals her character. One can see that the value (from grey color to black color) of the art work proves that the artist gives ample importance to black color and its different shades like light black and grey. The importance given to black and its shades prove that the artist selected the same to veil the humorous theme and to unveil seriousness. The drunken woman’s dress reveals that she is so conscious about her dressing. If a drunkard is in rugged dress, none will try to laugh at him or her. When a well dressed indivi dual is under the influence of alcohol, all the people will laugh at him or her. The dominating colors in the art work are black, grey, red and white. The combination of these colors binds the different elements of the artist’s craftsmanship to an appealing art work. The drunken woman’s dress and appearance does not help her to escape from the comments of the mass. When one considers the basic principles of design, it is evident that the drunken woman is the focal point of the art work. All the other characters in the background and foreground organizes the two dimensional structure of the art work. Besides, all the other individuals that can be seen in the art work are

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Culture and Sub-Genres in Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Culture and Sub-Genres in Literature - Essay Example There are others that seek to completely refute this argument, saying that art and politics are intrinsically linked and that the artist has to be a socially responsible person, an aspect that would shine through his art. Then again, it is this diversity of viewpoints that enables the existence of genres and subgenres. The existence of a literary politics is also evident in the presence of subcultures, which more often than not are the creations of specific communities that have certain vested interests in promoting certain subcultures. Being in certain senses a mirror of the society, art cannot be completely divorced from the material realities of the world that influence the very production of literature and the reception of it at the level of the consumer, who himself or herself has certain expectations of a political literariness that may be present in a writer that he may choose to read the works of. For instance, a person who picks a book of Chinua Achebe would be ready for a p ostcolonial politics that informs the writing of Achebe (Achebe). There are, of course issues that overlap and are present in the works of authors who may not overtly profess ideologies relating to those issues, but these analyses occur when one seeks to read a work along the faultlines of the narrative that the writer seeks to provide the reader. The culture of a certain society decides the stereotypes that exist within that society. It is the society that seeks to impose certain identities on certain communities that then enter into the public consciousness and that of that particular community as well. This then leads to that community fashioning itself according to the identities and stereotypes that the society imposes on it. This leads to the literature that is produced by that community being typecast, to a certain extent, not just by other communities but also by the community that produces it, under pressure to conform to the identities that are imposed by the discourse tha t are a part of everyday societal life. The subgenres that these communities create along with the society that also lead to the creation of subcultures finally are sustained by the discourses that sustain the identities, which are essentially constructs of the society. They then become structures that support and sustain each other. There then seems to be no exit from this vicious cycle that is created by both parties. The effect of the society in the creation of subgenres in literature is thus evident. The society that communities are a part of and help constitute themselves is a reflection of the literature that the society produces. Apart from this, like the earlier mentioned cycle, society and literature too, form a cycle whereby the two mirror each other and help in the modification of each other. From the above discussion, one can also understand the historical aspect of the problem that is in front of us. Communities produce subgenres that reflect their triumphs and defeats that have become a part of their culture. Thus literature becomes a means and a platform for these cultures that have been shaped by historical forces to manifest themselves. The historical aspe

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Coursework - Essay Example This is because women have many responsibilities to take care of. The famous baseball legend Mickey Mantle died of alcoholism related problem. Due to his heavy drinking, his liver was badly damaged by alcohol-induced cirrhosis and hepatitis C. Mantle was not a priority patient for a transplant. Usually, patients of transplant wait for some time to get liver donors. The problem was self-inflicted and so Mantle should have waited in the queue like many other patients. Another reason why Mantle was not a priority patient is that he already had cancer, which is a terminal illness. Alcoholism victims suffer from malnutrition for various reasons. First, alcohol causes euphoria, which depresses appetite. Secondly, alcohol is rich in energy because of the sugar component in it. This makes many alcoholics substitute food for alcohol. Although energised, alcoholics lack many nutrients that come from other foods since sugar has no other nutrients. Thirdly, continued drinking of alcohol causes destruction of critical organs used to digest and furnish nutrients to the body. Inflammation of the pancreas and liver damage are common digestive problems. In many cultures, alcohol has played a major role since many centuries ago. It is believed that the evolution of agriculture was partly to use the grains for alcohol. Drinking of alcohol is a socially accepted activity in many cultures and persons have the freedom to determine how far they want to take it. Additionally, the behaviour is carried from one generation to the other with the younger generation picking the behaviour with the thought that it has some adaptive benefits. Alcoholism plays an important role in the acceleration of domestic violence. First, alcoholic victims are prone to anger. This provokes them to fight members of their families especially the wives at the slightest provocation. Secondly, an alcoholic will

Friday, July 26, 2019

Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Finance - Essay Example The business organisations in order to expand on both its sales and revenue paradigms focus on expanding into international territories where they would be able to get hold of newer markets and newer customer segments. Body This process of international expansion is made possible by the business corporations depending on certain premises like conducting trades related to exporting of commodities to foreign nations, through rendering investment in business units created in foreign territories, opening up of new production units in the foreign locations. Further the business corporations can also move to conduct business in international areas through the creation of contracts with support firms to gain both managerial and technical expertise. Finally the business houses can also go for selling intangible assets like trademarks and patent rights through effective licensing schemes or can also expand into foreign territories by working on franchising activities. The method of exporting used by business to probe into international markets helps to gain wider recognition in such areas at reduced cost.Business corporations can focus on gaining control over foreign firms through the rendering of high amount of investments in such. Business organizations by focusing on opening up newer production zones help in generating economies of scale . These external business units can work on getting cheap local labour and also get a better understanding of the foreign markets and business territories. The method of forming external business contracts with firms located in foreign soil helps in outsourcing business expertise to these areas in return for an appropriate fee structure. Through licensing activities the business organisations can also gain more revenues and stake in foreign firms by selling knowledge assets top foreign firms. Finally through the franchising activities the business corporations can gain enhanced access to foreign markets where the cost of investments and risks involved is low (Global Business Strategy, 2001). Conclusion The above context describes the different methods which the business corporations can take to expand its business in international markets. Such activities reflect both cost intensive and market expansion strategies which helps the business corporations to enhance both their revenue and market structures. 2 Discuss the different types of risk that can impact upon an organization trading on an international basis. Introduction The potential business risks which the business organisations face while doing business in international markets are related to the transportation of commodities in international zones, risks pertaining to commercial activities, the large amount of political risks pertaining to the different international zones, other risks relating to the financial and economic conditions and other risks owing to the emergence of adverse business conditions. Body The first risk involved relates to the damag e to the products involved owing to improper transportation which amounts to breakage and spoilage of the goods involved. Again risks arise from the product interface owing to unavailability of the right amount of payment. Product risks are also involved owing to faulty manufacturing practices wherein production of faulty products leads to loss of business by the seller. The segment pertaining to commercial risks reflect that insolvency position of the buying community leads to loss

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Managing Organizational Change Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing Organizational Change - Term Paper Example Through this report the necessity of a change in organization will be uncovered. Along with it the forces which are responsible for the change will be also identified. Once the requirement of a change is identified the most important task is to implement it successfully. Change is a continuous process and involves several stages. A successful change passes through a number of sequential stages. In simple words, change is defined as the way of making things different. In the context of an organization, change is considered as inevitable. Nowadays, organizations operate in a dynamic business environment and to get adapted with the situation they are forced to implement changes in their system (El-Farra & Badawi, 2012, p.161). The major forces of change in an organization are mainly technological factor, political factor, economical factor, legal factor, social factor, and most importantly the labor market environment (Lewis, 2011, p.5). According to Barney & Griffin (1992), the primary rationale behind the poor performance and reduced productivity of an organization is the failure of the managers to properly identify required change. Therefore to some extent change within organizations is necessary otherwise the organizations may find it difficult to survive in the marketplace. Throughout the world organizations have to deal with certain internal resistance which prohibits the implementation of change. Therefore managing the change or properly implementing the change within the organization is of utmost importance. This report will highlight the rationale behind the organizational change. Apart from that the forces which are responsible for making the changes will also be highlighted. In addition, the project will also shed light on the type of changes, the resistances to changes and how the change can be properly managed and sustained. Finally, based on the findings from the study a conclusion will be drawn. Rationales behind Organizational Change Change is important for any organization as without any change, businesses are likely to lose the competitive edge and eventually fail to meet the needs of the customers. The principal rationale of an organization to embrace change in their current state is mainly the customer needs, economical impact, and growt h opportunities among others. Economical Impact: - Economy can impact an organization, both in a positive and negative way. Increasing demand and a strong economy indicates that the company needs to expand thereby facilitating a change in the organization. Customer Needs: - Companies need to change their strategies in order to meet the multi dimensional need of the customers. Opportunities of Growth: - One of the most significant rationales behind implementing change in organizations is the opportunity of growth. Employees are able to learn new skills, and can explore opportunities in order to exercise their creativity. This in turn helps organizations to increase their productivity (Hagel, 2002, p.18). Forces of Organizational Change Organizations change due to a number of forces operating in its environment. The forces are both internal as well as external to the organization. Any change in these factors

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Project Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project Report - Research Paper Example Secondly, the research project looks at teamwork in relation to Lazear and Gibbs giving an analysis of the benefits associated with teamwork in the organization. Thirdly, the research project identifies the research methods that were used in the research project giving information in relation to the methodology. Additionally, the research gives an analysis of the research question indicating how teamwork has been effective in many organizations. Lastly, the project concludes the research by giving a recap of the issues that have been discussed in the research project. Teamwork has been held to be the most appropriate form of working in any setup in an organization. This is because through teamwork people or employees in the organization brainstorm in order to bring productivity and achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. A team is defined as an aggregation of employees performing a collective task. The team may be led by a joint decision making body or an individual. Therefore, teamwork is work completed by several associates with each individual doing a part, but all subordinating personal importance to the efficiency of the whole. Teamwork is advocated by many organizations because it increases productivity, as well as, ensuring job satisfaction. Problem solving role that is played by teamwork because when people work together they tend to solve issues quickly and adequately unlike when a person is working alone. The research project will focus on designing a teamwork setting that will enhance the productivity of the organization, as well as, solve problem and minimize job dissatisfaction. Employees are more satisfied with their work when they are working in a teamwork environment. In that, according to the Journal of Organization Behavior satisfied employees grow and thrive in an organization that allows teamwork where the organization increases the retention

Vodka Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Vodka - Research Paper Example This pattern is also followed in the US also. Vodka normally contains 40% alchahol, which is the normal standard. Such vodka is widely used in Russia as well as the US. Even 50% alcoholic vodka is popular in the US. In some vodka, mainly polish descent, the alcoholic content is around 95%.In many east European countries as well as in the west, vodka is a supportive drink which is blended with other drinks. Examples are bloody marys, vodka martinis, etc (What is Vodka?). Vodka is a colourless and flavourless alchahol. The Russians normally brew it from grain whereas the poles make it from potatoes, beets, corn etc. the sugar is transformed into alchahol and distilled six times forgetting a wonderful mixture of vodka. Six times is the magical number. It is then filtered through charcoal. Vodka is an ideal blender. This property is used to the maximum in many countries. For example a bottle of istok or moskovskaya has milder quantities of vodka blended into it. There are more than 400 brands of vodka in Russia. It is flavoured and the most popular is the pepper flavoured vodka. Sometimes lemon is also used for flavouring. In US vodka is closely associated with martinis and cocktails. The average American drinker does not drink vodka straight. The American drinker does not mix vodka with beer as the Russian drinkers do (Gougeon). In today’s spirit industry, vodka is the most dynamic spirits in the global arena. Its growth trajectory is nothing but truly phenomenal. Over the past 20 years there has been an increase of a staggering 246.7m cases world wide. The growth of vodka is mainly associated in countries like Russia and Poland. In Russia there has been an increase by 21m cases over the 20 year period. This growth is truly commendable because it was achieved against tight governmental control as well as rising affluence. In US also there was tremendous growth for vodka. There was growth by 21.2m cases over the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Project Management of Heavyweight Cruiser Motorcycle Assignment - 3

Project Management of Heavyweight Cruiser Motorcycle - Assignment Example The company already has its product line up in medium weight motor cycles, ranging from 500 cc to 1000 cc. Now the company wants to introduce a new model over 1100 cc. It includes the details of the operation process, like leadership style, short term and long term needs, resources needed and risk mitigation strategies. The entire management process is developed from the point of view of a project manager (Scheid, 2011). Managing a project requires optimum uses of resources and commitment of project team members to successfully complete an undertaking. This project is for the development of a new heavy weight cruiser motorcycle. This new project will introduce a new category of line up above 1100 cc. A successful completion of a project is dependent on the right decision of which project management structure to use. This project needs the â€Å"Project-based Organization Structure†, because the project manager is solely responsible for the successful completion of the project. The project members who work in this project, report directly to the project manager, thus, avoiding multiple leadership. Secondly, all the decisions regarding the operations are taken within the project team only. Thirdly, this structure also allows high cohesion among the team members and they all share a common goal of the project (Bobera, 2008). The distribution of roles enables the smooth running of the project operations. It helps avoiding any kind of conflict. With reference to the ‘Belbin Model’ of Team Work distribution, the following work distribution is done (Belbin. 2014). a) Identify the project need: Identification of the project involves having a clear idea about what the project is about and what are the needs it fulfils for the company. In this case, this project will extend the product line of the company.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Merchants Tale Essay Example for Free

The Merchants Tale Essay The use of the word ‘but’ in line 843 is the first signal to the audience that there is going to be a significant change within Januarie’s fortune. Up until this point he has been considerably lucky; he is described as a ‘worthy knight’ who has ‘lived in greet prosperitee’ and has been married to ‘fresshe may, his paradys, his make’. Through this excessive amount of fortune, Chaucer has led the audience to believe it is too good to be true, and so the change is almost inevitable. Januarie’s fortune is represented by the image of ‘the scorpion’, which smiles with its face while stinging with its ‘sweete venym queynte’, just as Januarie is deceived into believing he has found stable happiness when he suddenly goes blind. When Januarie becomes physically blind, this becomes a fulfilment of the metaphorical blindness of self-delusion which has afflicted him from the outset. On line 386, the audience are reminded of the proverb ‘love is blind’, and Januarie’s character has been built up to this point as a demonstration of the truth of this saying. At this point in the tale, we have only recently heard May’s voice for the first time, (like 770) but we are yet to know much about May’s personality from anyone other than Januarie’s perspective. However, the females already mentioned in the tale, such as Abigail, the wife of Nabal and Rebecca, the mother of Jacob all gained their own fortune and power through the use of deception and trickery, inclining the audience to believe that May is going to use similar techniques. It soon becomes apparent that this deception is at the hands of Januarie, ‘for as good is blind deceyved be / As to be deceyved whan a man may se’. The fact that he is being deceived because of both his physical and mental blindness makes Januarie appear vulnerable, and the audience almost begins to pity him, showing that the power balance has shifted abruptly from Januarie to May. The language Chaucer chooses to use contributes to demonstrating this power balance effectively. Fortune is personified in this passage, as is common in Chaucer’s writing. Like a number of abstract qualities which have the female grammatical gender in Latin, the personification is feminised, and she is presented as a woman, often blindfolded, to demonstrate the arbitrariness of her operation, an holding a wheel on which her victims rise and fall. When comparing this image to May, it is clear that she now has full power and control over Januarie. It is not only clear how May has gained power over this passage, but also how Januarie has lost his. He becomes so possessed by jealousy that He nolde suffre hire for to ride or go/ But if that he hadde hond on her alway’ , ‘nor anywhere/ Would he allow his wife to take the air/ Unless his hand were on her, day and night’. Towards the beginning of the tale, it is unlikely that Januarie would have been so possessive over his new wife, as he had enough confidence within himself to prevent any jealousy. When he loses his sight, it is apparent that his self-consciousness becomes particularly strong, once again making him seem vulnerable and helpless, and May’s dishonesty only increases Januarie’s lack of power.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Marketing Functions Of Walt Disney Tourism Essay

The Marketing Functions Of Walt Disney Tourism Essay The Walt Disneys core business area is Amusement and theme parks. Organization started business in 1955 with an 80-acre Park in California US. Currently they have theme parks in US, Tokyo and France. Euro Disneyland was one of their biggest projects in 1990s; the venture was one of the American efforts to expand their business in foreign countries. Even though Walt Disneys first foreign venture in Tokyo was a success, their next expansion of business in foreign soil Euro Disney became a failure. Objective of this document is to examine marketing management and its role in the business at Euro Disney. Throughout the document it focuses on current marketing function and identifies significant issues which has caused noteworthy drop in the performance of Euro Disney and analyses fundamentals of consumer market behaviour and the use of marketing concept to overcome the situation. Euro Disney Marketing Functions Marketing research   Since Tokyo Disneyland became an instant hit, Walt Disney Company executives believed they learned so much about operating a theme park in another country, they began immediately to search for a site for a fourth park. The selection was Paris for many reasons. France had a spectacular transportation network because of its large population. The Walt Disney Company executives believed since Tokyo Disneyland and Paris was located in almost the same latitude and shared a similar cold-weather climate that they would be able operate successfully. Their research was aimed at Europe because Disney films historically have done better there than in the United States. Because of this Disney entertainment was already familiar with western European audiences, (Scimone, 1991). Marketing planning   SWOT Analysis Product development   Development of Euro Disney was mainly focused on not to repeating two mistakes that they did during past ventures, i.e. Allowing other establishments to open hotels in surrounding area of the theme park As happened in Orlando, Florida, where only 14% of the hotels owned by Disney. Allowing another company to own the theme park Where Disney just collects royalties from an immensely profitable attraction (Solomon, 1994) Consequently, Walt Disney bought far more land then it needed in order to eventually build 700,000 square meters of office space, a 750,000 square meter corporate park, 2,500 individual homes, a 95,000 square meter shopping mall, 2,400 apartments and 3,000 time share apartments (de Quillacq, 1994).   Advertisement and sales promotion Euro Disneyland did marketing to emphasize that it is a Complete vacation destination that offers enough to keep family happily occupied for a week(Scimone, 1991, p18). They promoted Euro Disney as a place where French guest could visit and stay for a long duration. Their main strategy of marketing was promoting the theme park by adopting American Style. i.e.Bigness and extravagance (Wentz Crumley, 1993, p. I 23).Furthermore they used little showcase to market what adventures guests could perform and used characters to explain what they could see inside the park. All the sign boards inside the park were themed with Pirates of Caribbean style and trademark was Smile a lot. To achieve more guest attraction into the park, Euro Disney organized events such as Halloween. Law price tickets were sold after 5pm specifically targeting Parisians, another marketing tactic was to give reductions to school groups and people below 25 and over 60. Selling and distribution   The accessibility to the location of euro Disney Land has been made easier by location itself, where its only 20 miles away from center of Paris and also its situated between two international airports of Orly and Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle. Also the site is connected with French railway regional express where its connected with the Paris metro system. On the opening day itself the direct rail link to Great Britain via the English Channel wade the pathway to countless additional potential guests.   Public relations The employees with trilingual capabilities were given more prominence in recruitment of staff, since Disney hoped to attract visitors from all over Europe. These employees were given special human resource training to implant the Have a nice day mentality and to smile the Disney Smile. Employees were also instructed to adhere to the Disney Look to be in line with the Disney culture. Analysis of the fundamentals of consumer behaviour The buying process There are four types of buying behavior: Disney Europe expected a variety seeking buying behavior from the customer, as they offered a variety of products within the theme park. Ranging from theme park rides, interaction with Disney characters, food, beverages, Disney merchandize and many more. Root cause Analysis The strategy that Disney wanted to implement was the same tried and tested model that they had adopted in the Unites states and Tokyo. However the root causes for their failure was also this strategy which failed to factor in the socio cultural differences of the French and Europeans and their over ambitious plans to develop the site plus their financial structure itself. Strategy mismatch at Euro Disney The root cause of the blunder that Disney made in France was that they perceived that their theme park was a monopoly due to its size a monopoly is described in literature is described as a single supplier with no rivals and high barriers to entry.   When comparing Disney to the other theme parks that were in existence at the time its evident that all of them were small and less known than the famous Disney brand. Also it was very difficult for an investor to come up with a park of the same size and quality due to the high cost involved. Therefore Disneys assumption about the monopolistic position could not be faulted. Disney was also focusing on tourists who would spend several days at the park in order to experience the entire park, which would entail revenue from their hotels, food and merchandise;. Euro Disney due to their perception of their park being a monopoly also priced themselves at a premium, which was more expensive even compared to the tickets for their venues in America. It was also discovered that consumers were not behaving in the manner expected for a monopolistic market. However what transpired was that the French saw it as a day destination which made Disney compete with many other smaller theme parks scattered around France. Euro Disney also miscalculated the per-capita spending of visitors to the park. It was assumed by them that customers would spend as much as Americans and Japanese, however French visitors spent about 12% less than their counterparties. Europeans left the theme parks empty handed whereas this was rarely seen to take place in America and Japan. Cultural Issues Disney failed to identify the existence of cultural differences in Europe resulting in them making the following mistakes; Disney executives thought that Europeans had the same holiday patterns as Americans who spent their money on several short holiday sprees, whereas the Europeans and French were more likely to spread their money and take a few longer breaks. The company also miscalculated the eating habits of the European visitors where they thought they would emulate the Americans by having a quick meal rather than a sit down meal at the appointed time accompanied with wine and liquor. This caused a huge uproar as the French were accustomed to taking a glass of wine with a meal. The employees who were predominantly French were expected to act in a manner that was contradictory to their social customs. The Disney Company expected their employees to adhere to a strict thirteen page guideline which imposed a well scrubbed American look. This did not sit very well with the employees who preferred their individualism. Marketing strategy mismatch The theme park was marketed as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a complete vacation destination that offers enough to keep the family occupied for a week (Scimone, 1991.p.18) this strategy boasts typical American style bigness and extravagance. Where they have completely alienated the emotional aspect of it by neglecting to emphasis on the special memorable experience the family could have. This clearly shows that the company did not consider the views of the Europeans when developing their strategies. Euro Disney also did not see the approaching recession which tumbled the French real estate market which largely negated their strategy of developing property and selling it to potential buyers; it also shrunk the European and French disposable income so that families thought twice before taking a costly vacation at Euro Disney. Operational Strategy Mismatch Euro Disney encountered several operational mismatches during its early existence some of which are still in existence today such as the right level of staffing at the theme park, it was assumed that Monday would be a light day for guests and Friday would be heavy but the reverse was true. They also miscalculated the facilities available for parking, hotel check out positions, poor management of the crowds (Large queues, restaurant seating capacity) Strategic Action Plan for Disney Euro Seven Ps of Euro Disney Product Happiness Place Euro Disney Park Promotion Powerful and widely known brand name The amount of publicity generated by the project Price Determined by benchmarking those of other Disney parks People All the cast members , current and previous customers Physical environment Theme park , hotel , retail complexes and recreational facilities Process The process by which the product happiness and satisfaction is delivered to customers Recommendation and conclusion By analyzing the above facts, there are two main objectives that Euro Disney Co will consider; those are to overcome their high debt incurred along the way of its operations and to fulfil the gap of the cultural mismatch. Euro Disneyland reported $905 million loss for the fiscal year that ended in September 30, 1993(Sterngold, 1994), and by December 31, 1993, Euro Disneyland had amassed cumulative loss of 6.04 Billion French Francs or 1.03 billion US dollars (Grumbel Turner, 1994). Therefore to overcome these debts the following strategies and tactics are recommended; Issuing of shares to the borrowers to set off against the outstanding debts. Rights issue to the existing share holders in order to raise funds to recover the company debts. Downsizing of employees. Reposition the brand to reflect its proximity to Paris. Price deductions on entrance fee and hotel prices on special promotional periods, and on different custom segments such as schools, age and etc. Offer all inclusive packages which include transport, food and accommodation to attract budget tourists. Design special festivals aimed at different seasons of the year such as Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter this will entice visitors to the park several times a year to have a different experience.(Increase Consumption) Introduce activities such as golf, tennis etc to cater to the different segments of visitors. Revamping of the way it was marketed to be a family oriented vacation highlighting the emotional aspect of it. Expand the market to other untapped markets such as the Middle East and Afric A better mechanism to lighten up the current customer service in order to attract more customers to the business. By achieving the plan mentioned above we are confident that the euro Disney operation can be made profitable successful.

In The Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay

In The Hospitality Industry Tourism Essay The hospitality industry is one of the main industries in this world and this is the relationship between guest and host. Hospitality also involves showing respect for their guest, treat them equal and providing what they need when they are in the hotel or requesting on a thing such as need a tourist to bring go around the town, need transportation and other. The hospitality industry basically provides lodging or accommodation to people who travel and needs shelter for the day. Today, the hospitality industry is providing more choices for its consumers all around the world from hotels, resorts, inns, hostels and many more. Hospitality industry is one of the industries that provide service so it is basically focused on customer satisfaction because customer who is the main major to pay us. In different kind of hotel will get a different type of service because it is depend on how the hotel functioning. If the hotel has a good experience to the customer this will affect customer loyalt y and customer will come again. In addition to that, it also will increase the successful of the company in hospitality industry. Other that this, hotel industry also will provide facility for customer. Most of the business customers are need a bed and food, this are enough for them but some of the customer are request for using our facility. We can introduce our facility to the customer or maybe we can discount for them to encourage them have a try. Therefore, hotel will have a good experience for the customer and also can gain more profit. 2.0 Answer Question 2 In hospitality industry, there have 5 type of service characteristic. There are intangible, perishable, inseparable, simultaneous and variable. Without this 5 type of service characteristic, hotel might not be able to function well. 2.1 Intangible service Intangible which means is cannot be seen or touched but we can feel it. Communication is the thing that we can feel. We can feel the employee either welcoming us or not by communicate with us. The communication between the employees and guest is important it is because the guest can feel the employees are helping by willing or just simply answer the question. Some of the employees are not using a friendly communication and communicate with us while we asking question or request a thing from them. Not only for customer but for employees also, we need to friendly to communication with them and can cooperate well to process the hotel. Other than communication, smile also is a thing that we can feel by giving of them. For example, like in a restaurant the politeness of an employees giving a smile to the guest is means welcoming and willing to serve them, by this way the guest can feel satisfied but this cant be see and touched. 2.1 Perishable service Perishable which means is wont be last longer and wont experience the same experience. In many things, we will have the first try and if the thing is not good we wont try anymore. Same as we in the hotel, if the hotels we stay are not satisfaction we just will try once and next time we will know which type hotel we should choose and will do a proper research about hotel that we stay to made sure it wont be same as last time. Other than this, if we late to check in and without paying deposit or have any inform to the hotel they have right to cancel reserved the room for guest and the guest need to re-book the room if the hotel have room still available. Moreover, for transportation they also will have the same experience. For bus or airplane, they wont wait for late passenger. If they are late they need to buy or book a ticket for next time and journey of them also will be delay. For next time, they will know be punctual and reach the bus stop or airport in time to avoid they missed a gain. 2.2 Inseparable service Inseparable which means service and customer and service provider cant be separated. Guest is the main major no matter in which area. It sure will have its own supplier to provide the thing. Supplier is important to hospitality because of they need a big amount of quantity of food and drink. They sure will have different type of supplier to supply the food and drink to make sure they have enough supply for guest because hotel is the places that always have many guest and employees walk in and out. Other than need to supply food for hotel, they also need other supplier to supply their basic needed such as toothpaste, shampoo and other. Furthermore, service provider is indispensable for service delivery as he must promptly generate and render the service to the requesting service consumer because customer pay and get a service from them. In addition, the service consumer is inseparable from service delivery because he is involved in it from requesting it up to consuming the rendered be nefits. 2.3 Simultaneous service Simultaneous which means service have to be delivered at the same time as the customer consumed. It is not goods which may be the manufactured, wholesaler, or kept to distributions. For example in a restaurant, the service provider which means the waiter or waitress are doing the service at the same time when the customer request (delivery) something or ordering food then the service provider delivered the service immediately at the same time. For instance, if the customer wants to bil, the service provider have to bring the bill for the customer. 2.4 Variable service Variable of service offered and can be in many forms during the interaction or the process. Services are highly variable, as they depend on the service provider, and where and when they are provided. Service marketers face a problem in standardizing their service, as it varies with experienced hand, customer, time and firm. Service buyers are aware of this variability. So, the service firms should make an effort to deliver high and consistent quality in their service. For example, if one day eating in a restaurant, the food and service was very good but the next day the services become bad. 3.0 Conclusion In conclusion, Those 5 characteristics cannot separate with guest and also supplier. Because they are the main major for us and they also needed the basic thing in daily life. Especially is intangible because it was included communication between employee and guest. Communication is important because in hospitality industry, we will always faced customer to talk and explain the thing that they asking. In addition to that, this also is the first impression to guest when guest entering hotel. Besides that, perishable service and simultaneity service in hospitality industry, if the lodging property we stay first time and the service is good but the next time the service has becomes bad which means the first experience we cannot experience again. Therefore, in hospitality industry the service has to be constant and maintain. Not only that, inseparable service and variability service in hospitality industry is that the services provided cannot be separated. Lastly, the variability service is to standardize and to constant the service that in a lodging property. Therefore, this five characteristic have to be concerned and followed in any service line industry especially hospitality industry. 1.0 Introduction Question 2 In hospitality industry, there are many types of lodging in this industry such as hotel, resorts, inn and others. Hotels are divided to two types one is leisure hotel and one is commercial. For resort and inn are mostly are by the seaside but resort have more facilities and amenities while inn dont have so much service. To manage this kind of lodging property is not an easy task as you may seem, it has a lot of hard work to be done and skills to be experience. An hotelier should have full of hotel operation skills so they are able to manage the hotel no matter small hotel or large hotel. The responsible of an hotelier, should be take over and manager the hotel well. Hotelier also should always prepare be settle the problem that emergency that happen inside the hotel and also have the knowledge to settle the problem even also is customer problem. Besides that, internal of an organization, hoteliers also have to be able to manage the internal problem such as the employees issues. If th e hotelier dont not able to handle well the issues between employees but also with the person in charge of the team there will be a lot of problem and they cannot to be co-operate well and the hotel also cannot be process well. Other than that, in a hotel should have a system so that hotelier can do their job more easily such as planning the work. They can know each department how they processing their job and wont have argument when have problem happened. 2.0 Answer Question 2 To be prepared be an hotelier, there have many thing hotelier need to know and handle. Such as the hotel will need how many employees to work, how the hotel system going on, is the hotel gain profit and so on. Other than this, in hospitality service employees is important for the hotel because without them hotel might cannot run smoothly. Therefore, an hotelier should have some skills to handle the problem that relation with hotel such as patience, management experience, responsibility, communication skills and knowledge of other than hotel management. Below have the explanation of the skills that I have mentioned. 2.1 Patience As an hotelier, patience is very important. It is because as an hotelier will faced a lot of different type of guest. Some of the guest will keep asking many questions about the hotel and they must answer the question. Every day have different guest asking the questions about the hotel but is the same people to answer the guest. After day by day, some of them might feel impatience and boring to answer the question. Other than this, some of the guest will make a complaint about the room, not satisfied with the service, and other as an hotelier they need to have a lot of patience explain with their guest to let them feel satisfied especially the VIP of the hotel. Sometime, they also need patience to introduce and explain the food and facility that hotel have been provided. Patience is important because it will let guest feel welcome and friendly. In addition to that, when have some difficult issues happened the hotelier must have patience to overcome the issues because solving a proble m or issues have to take some time overcome the issues. 2.2 Management Experience In hospitality, management experience is important. It is because in every department there will have different way to process their job and doing their job. Other than this, they also need to follow the step and rules to do it. Every hotel will have different management to run the process of the hotel smoothly. To make sure the internal management runs smoothly the hotelier should have a system to follow. Furthermore, these kinds of experience gain from bottom of the department to top of the department. So that, the hotelier has to walk every step to have the experience run the hotel. It is because every department has different system and hotelier must clearly know how the departments run and wont be confused with their job. Other than that, if the hotelier has this kind of experience they can no need waste time on training and they also can save up the time to learn more new thing. Moreover, if the hotel has any emergency problem happened, an hotelier can handle the situation well because they handle the problem before on the previous time. Hotelier has experience they can manage their staff well and wouldnt boycott by other employees so that they can be cooperating well to operate the hotel run smoothly. 2.3 Responsibility Other than the two skills, responsibility also is an important thing in hospitality industry. It is because in the service line, the main major is our guest and is the one who paying us to get a satisfied service. If the hotelier doesnt responsible on what their in charge it may causes many complaints from guest and also can causes low profit. Because of the hotelier irresponsible, they may ignore the complaint from guest and wont take action to those employees who are irresponsible to the guest. Besides that, when hotel hiring an employees to work the first thing they will curious about responsible of the people. In addition, in the hotel there have many departments. In every department, there have different position, responsibility and duties. Every hotelier should clearly know what the responsibility of their duties because they able to cope with others employees. Furthermore, besides giving a responsibility in internal management, hotel surrounding also have to be care and respon sible such as the workplace and the guest place. Inside the hotel, not only have adult walking around but also have eldest people and children. We must be responsible on their safety because they are in our hotel area compound. 2.4 Knowledgeable Without knowledgeable there will be a difficult task to the hotelier. It is because of many things the hoteliers are not understood and they cannot answer and overcome the problem well of the customer but also the problem of the hotel. Knowledge is one of the important skills that you have learn, gain and experience in every perceptions such as while you studying, working in an organizations, or working in a service line industry like hotel. Knowledge allows us to be better, and to be more understanding on a general thing. Keep open mind and accept what people say to you, then you will realize the answer that you have never realize before and also will know where the problem is. To be an hotelier, knowledge is what should not left because, working in a hotel line every perceptions are gain from experience which means the daily work you doing in the hotel such as serving customer there would be a knowledge that how to serve the customer right or some tourist will also get some informa tion about the place you work or what is the special food in the town. The more knowledge we have the more advance we can become. In the past, a lot of people say that education is the most important thing in life because when you have graduate you may get a better job but nowadays the reality needs is knowledge to discover new things or have know about some general thing but not only the subject you study. 2.5 Communication skills In hospitality industry, communication skills are the most important. It is because hotelier needs to communicate with guest. All of the guest in the hotel sure will communicate with hotelier because they need get an assist from them. No matter how high level you study, have a good communication skills it will help you explore clearly the answer that you means to the listener. As an hotelier, they need to communicate with other employees and have a good communication skill employees can more easily to understand and wont mix up the meaning. Other than this, have a good communication skills will made sure us have a good relationship with other employees and also guest. In addition to that, hotelier will win more cooperation with other employees and also will increase successful in the hospitality industry. If they are not understood the message that the hotelier pass to they might mistaken and misunderstanding and will do wrong thing in the processing. This may causes them cannot have teamwork to work together because of argument of the problem. Have a good communication they will have good self-esteem. It is because of the hotelier are always confident on what they say and what they say is always the thing that needed by the people. Furthermore, as an hotelier they also need to promote the package, facility and other to the guest for gain profit. Hotelier will use the good communication skills to attract the guest to have a try in the hotel. If the hotelier keep promote the thing to them, guest will have a good impression with the thing that the hotelier has promoted and maybe the guest will have a try. Other than that, guest also can clearly know what the service the hotel has provided. Hotelier has good communication skills they can have a peaceful environment working places. 3.0 Conclusion In conclusion, to be an hotelier they should always well prepared. They should have patience, management experience, responsibility, knowledge of hotel management and communication skills. Other than this, they need to well prepare themselves and patience to overcome the customer problem and internal management issues. Hotelier should use themselves management experience or other employees opinion to process the hotel well. In addition, hotelier also should be responsible on their guest safety because they are inside the area of the hotel. Knowledge is one of the important things to gain and learn when they first work in hotel. Knowledge is what allows hotelier to advance themselves and to operate in a hotel. The communication skill is useful for hotelier. It is because they can use the skills to handle the internal issues well and have a peaceful environment.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Biochemistry Research Paper -- Health, Diseases, Viruses, Bacteria

Toll-like receptors are proteins that play a significant role in the recognition of pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, thereby initiating an innate response. The TLR family recognizes structurally conserve molecules known as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPS) derive from these viruses and bacteria. TLR7 have been shown to mediate the recognition of single stranded RNA (ssRNA) viruses, whereas TLR9 recognizes non-methylated CpG sequences in bacterial DNA molecules. However, the molecular mechanism by which non-methylated CpG DNA and ssRNA viruses activate the innate immunity is not well understood. In this paper, it is demonstrated that the cell response to vesicular stomatitis viruses (VSV) and bacteria DNA is mediated by TLR7 and TLR9. Through the generation of TLR7 and TLR9-deficient mice, it was determined that TLR7 are required for responsiveness to both vesicular stomatitis viruses and TLR9 recognizes bacteria DNA. Both TLR7 and TLR9 deficient mice did not show any response to single stranded RNA viruses and non-methylated CpG bacteria DNA including inflammatory cytokine production from macrophages and dendritic cells. However, the in vivo ability of vesicular stomatitis viruses and CpG bacteria DNA to stimulate IL-12 secretion depended on the functional activation of MyD88 and IRAK. These results present evidence for the requirement of TLR7 for single stranded RNA viruses and TLR9 for non-methylated CpG bacteria DNA to induced cellular effects. Conversely, further results provide evidence that support the role for TLR7 and TLR9 to trigger vesicular stomatitis viruses and CpG bacteria DNA mediated signaling transduction resulting in the induction of the interferon response [266]. Introduction: The inna... ... bone marrow of WT, TLR7,TLR9, or MyD88 deficient mice and infected with VSV for 18hrs. IFN and IL-12 level were determined from culture supernatant by ELISA Lund, al Conclusion: In justification with the previous study on TLR9 recognition of CpG DNA and initiating an innate immune system, Lund, J.M. et al have demonstrated that, together, TLR7 and TLR9 likely form a functional subgroup within the TLR family that recognize pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMPS) in endosomal compartment. It is now clear TLR7 and TLR9 play a significant role in the recognition of vesicular stomatitis virus and CpG bacteria DNA, thereby activating the innate immune system. The experiments with TLR7 and TLR9 deficient mice have shown the essential role in the recognition of ssRNA by TLR7 and non-methylated CpG bacteria DNA by TLR9 respectively.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Make A Difference Essay -- Teaching Education Teachers Essays

Make A Difference I have always wanted to be an elementary school teacher ever since I was young. My grandmother was a third grade teacher, and after every school year she would give me her old books that she no longer used. I was so excited when she gave them to me. As soon as she handed them to me I would make my younger brother play school with me. From the first day she gave me her old school books, there was no doubt in my mind that I would become a teacher of education. Education is defined as the lifelong process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and values through either formal or informal means. I believe that the purpose of education is to allow students to discover who they are through exploring what the future holds for them. Formal means of education should provide students with skills that will facilitate living and working in a dynamic world. In my opinion, a variety of instructional options are necessary for teachers and students to be successful. There are many different approaches available in doing so, a few of them include: the behaviorism, essentialism, and progressivism philosophies. Agreeing with the behaviorist point of view, I see myself using positive reinforcement with my students, when a task or behavior is achieved. Rewarding students can make a big difference in the student’s attitudes, even if it is just a little reward like a smiley face drawn on their paper or even a sticker. By doing these little things it will help encourage students to continue the good work and to carry on in this manner. Behaviorism also deals with the big role that the environment plays in a student’s academic learning. Throughout my junior high and high school years, I had the meanes... teaching students from different backgrounds, races, and interests. Nonetheless I have great confidence in myself, and the teachers here at Concord College, which will help me to achieve all of my goals and wishes to become an excellent teacher. Entering my adulthood, after graduation, I would like to pursue a teaching position in a public school teaching any grade from kindergarten up to third grade. My academic goal is to further my education and receive my master’s degree in elementary education as soon as possible. I plan to move out of this area after receiving my degree to the south. Teaching is a dream that I have had all my life, motivated by family and teachers that I had in the past. Choosing the path of becoming a teacher will allow me to experience one of life’s greatest joys – making a difference in children’s lives!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How to Survive Your Freshman Year in College

How to Survive Freshman Year in College College is the perfect intersection of freedom and young adulthood. Never again will a person be allowed to have that much fun while being responsible for so little. But as generations of students have learned the hard way, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by that freedom and go overboard. Students who’d never had a problem doing homework find themselves failing tests when there’s no one around to motivate them to attend class. People who’d always managed to have a thriving social life discover they’re constantly in solitary.It’s a fun but intimidating time, and the best way to get the most out of freshman year is to remember a few key things meet new people, go to the library, don’t go crazy during the week, go to class, and get involved in a club. Meeting new people is probably the most important step in order to have a successful first year at college, and it is also probably one of the easiest. I t doesn’t matter if you’re living in a dorm or living with your parents, there are plenty of ways to meet some people that share common interests.For starters, there are anywhere from 10-200 other people in your classes. Start talking to your neighbor. Not only can they help get through the long hour of your horrible class, but also you might have something in common with them. Also, go to the library with this person and cram for the final together. Who knows, the two of you might just stay in contact once the semester is over! ?  ? Upon hearing the word â€Å"library†, what probably comes to mind is, â€Å"That’s the last place I’m going to go† but, reconsider that thought.Trying to study in a dorm can be distracting, and studying at your house can be even harder because this is your â€Å"comfort zone†. In the library, the only distraction you’ll have is the cute boy sitting at the table across. And, if a snack is needed, there is a coffee shop located inside of the library. ?  ? I know it’s temping, but try not to go to parties or the club during the week. It is really easy to get behind on schoolwork, and by going to the parties and clubs only makes the situation worse.College is a lot different that high school, which means effort, has to actually be put in to all of the work that is done. Two days are given to celebrate all of your hard work, sleep in, and forget what was being studied in Biology class. Once Monday arrives, though, what time your class starts better be remembered! The thing that everyone complained about most in high school was the attendance policy. Now that you’re in college, not all professors take roll however, they will do things to make sure everyone attends.For example, a professor might give out a â€Å"pop quiz† ten times during the semester. This, in turn, will count for 100 points. Imagine getting a zero on a test you’d probably have a hea rt attack. Other professors will not post the lecture notes on their website, which intervenes with studying for the final. Bottom line: go to class and your GPA will reflect your effort. The old saying is true â€Å"Time flies when you’re having fun! † Getting involved in a club or activity will make the semester go by so much quicker.There are always booths on the promenade that are promoting clubs, and this is a good way to get more information on them. This is also another great way to meet people. At the end of the year, you should realize that you survived your freshman year! Making that adjustment from high school to college can be treacherous, but don't lose heart or give up. Even though it will be stressful, much different than what was expected, and there will be times when you will want to give up, college actually is fun. They say these are the best times of our lives, and this saying is only true if the best is made of it.

Brand Extension Essay

daub attachment is a commercializeing strategy harmonize to which a company grocery storeing a reaping or a supporter launches a untested offer uping ( overlap or service) that is cerebrate to the hotshot of the live strike offs of the company, solely offers clear-cut benefits and/or targets a divergent segment. Organizations use this strategy to increase and supplement upon their trade line equity. When a steadfastly is introducing a youthful harvesting, it has the following 3 choices on strike offing 1. Developing a crude commemorate for the revolutionary fruit2. utilise the exist brand for the brisk increase3. Combining the brisk brand and the existing brandThe use of 2nd and third strategy is referred to as brand annexe. provokers whitethorn be classified as one of the following Parent Brand If an existing brand gives birth to a brand generation, it is referred to as mention brand. Sub Brand When a new brand is have with an existing brand, it i s called as sub brand. Family Brand If a parent brand has relate with multiple brands through brand character references hence it is called as family brand.Brand Extension Dimensions in that respect are a large morsel of trends in which brand extension butt be accomplished. One of the live differences is if the extension is in the identical or different year of the growth. Thus they mess be classified as straight or even extensions. steep extensionsVertical extensions refer to the introduction of a related brand in the kindred product socio-economic class but having a different legal injury and quality balance. Vertical extensions offer the firm a quickest way to leverage upon the core products equity. As an extension strategy, just extension is widely practiced in some industries. For example, within automobile industry, the various brand models move to offer different price-quality bundles to make various market segments. Often a product is endureed in an atte mpt to just gain more of the market share.Vertical extension direction naked as a jaybird product introductions using vertical extensions can extend in 2 directions, upmarket and downscale vertical extensions. The vertical brand extension is that type of new product introduction that seems to be carrying less pretend and seemingly having more appeal to management. The new product which is being introduced is in the same category as the parent product aims at a same market segment as the parent, and whitethorn or may not enjoy the same acceptance as the parent.Upscale vertical extensionsUpscale extensions involve a new product introduction by the firm with higher price & quality characteristics than the certain product.Downscale vertical extensionsIt involves a new product introduction with lower price & quality characteristics than the original. Downscale vertical extensions may target sampling to a new segment, and bring some gain in market share.Horizontal extensionsGenerally, horizontal brand extensions either use or extend an existing products name to a new product in the same product category or to a product category new to the organization. There are 2 types of horizontal extensions which differ in terms of their focusing area. They are termed as line extensions and category extensions.Line ExtensionsAll the customers differ in terms of their usage involve. The brand has to strike the market with variety of products as per the needs of the segments. If a parent brand is utilize to brand a new product that targets a new segment in the market within the same product category that was previously served by the parent brand, it is called as line extension. Line extension leads to the addition of a new and distinct flavour or ingredient to the category. It sometimes might also lead to a new application for the brand or an introduction of a different trope or size. For example, Bisleri is the pioneering brand in category of mineral water. Originally, Bi sleri started off with 1 ltr bottle. precisely recently, the brand has launched bottles of different sizes and quantities.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Should the Uk Leave the Eu?

Nikolai Cremo Understanding the atomic itemize 63an Union Professor Eiko Thielemann October 14th, 2012 Should the UK remain a genus Phallus of the europiuman Union? The get by of whether or non the United farming should remain a particle of the European Union has been studyd heavily over the prehistorical decade, with the debate heating up til now much from the current European crowned head Debt Crisis. Recent polls of the UK population showed that or so half of the UKs citizens would vote to wind out of the EU if it went to referendum.However, after all told of the scotch, governmental, and companionable advantages of be a member of the EU argon considered, it remains progress to that leaving the EU is not in the UKs shell interest. Economically, it does not rush sense for the UK to leave the earths largest transaction avoid considering the EU buys 50 pct of the UKs exports, at a clock time when the UKs current look deficit is at ane of its all-time mell oweds.Additionally, the UK would lose its allure as world a hotspot for Foreign engage Investment, as they would no longer enforce companies access to the single market, shape up alter to the UKs growing im end of payments. last this could be detrimental to the value of the British pound, and even worse, cause the UK to lose its opinion as the fiscal circle around of Europe. The UK bountiful up its decision-making knead in the EU would not likely result in the UK seeing deal polices pass that chip in this debated go ult whatsoever easier.From a social perspective the citizens of the UK would lose the highly precious privilege to seam slight(prenominal)ly travel, attend school, live, and retire any(prenominal)place throughout the EU. After all of these factors atomic number 18 made resolve, especially the ban fiscal factors, the sparing have-to doe with of a UK exit would triumph over any negative sentiment associated with staying a member of the EU. The intima tely powerful factor marrying the UK to the EU is the needed economic dependence the UK has on the worlds largest trading block.The fifty pct of UK exports that goes to the countries of the EU would become much less competitive with trade barriers, which would then chivvy the necessity for many UK exporters to all light their prices, or decrease their output to ascertain the fallen demand of their goods. Additionally, due to the genius of the goods the UK trades with its EU partners, it would not easily reserve this trade with non-EU countries (Oxford 24).According to simple economic theory, this would eventually decrease the amount of money the UK receives for its exports, as the amount the tariff increases the price of UK goods go away at long last have to be natural(p) by the UK company exporting it, and any price increase not born by the UK company result assume to a decrease in exports demanded by the EU. Therefore, a major piece of the British thrift would face severe austereness on the basis of the UK not being a member of the free trade block. An different area of the UKs economy that would be adversely affected by the removal of the EU free trade block is Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in the UK.The UK is seen as many non-EU countries as the access to European market penetration, and this view would ultimately change if the UK left the EU. FDI has an important consumption in the UK economy, as it has been a ordered source of hypothesize growth of 50,000-60,000 jobs a year, epoch providing protection to another 40,000 jobs all(prenominal) year (Oxford 43). In addition to creating jobs, FDI is know to fuel innovation and competition, as it incorporates the advances in technologies that have been proved successful in other countries.By leaving the EU, the FDI of non-EU countries would relocate their nucleotide of operations to European markets to a area inwardly the EU, and out of the UK, and all further FDI intended to reap the gains of the largest trading block would more than likely invest in an EU country. This not plainly inhibits job growth directly, further also widens the whirl of the UKs balance of payments, which would have to either be filled through publish more currency (inflation), a devaluation of the currency.Similar to plan that the UK would lose out on FDI, the UKs position as the financial pump of Europe would be inherently change by the UK being outside the EU. It is clear that many countries and companies are invested in the UK because of its cogitate to EU, where they have access to 500 one thousand thousand consumers. For starters, companies would move to other financial powerhouses of Europe such as Frankfurt or Brussels, in order to avoid EU tariffs and conform to EU regulations (Oxford 48).Secondly, the EU would action programs to shift the European financial pertain to another financial center within their labor nub such Frankfurt or Brussels. Any measures that the UK could take to prevent this would sure as shooting be their best interest, as financial services makes up ten percent of their gross domestic product. Additionally, the portfolio investments that the UK receives from being the financial center of Europe would flow out of the country at the same rate as capital of the United Kingdom loses its position as the financial center, and these shortly represent a ? 5 one thousand million surplus to the UK balance of payments (Open Europe. This is another of the essence(p) piece of the balance of payments within the UK, and would snuff it to the aforementioned devaluation of the British pound, or inflation, or a combination of both to balance out trade deficit of the country. term the strengthenedest do goods of staying in the EU stem from economic benefits, the political benefits of an potent member of the union are not to be overlooked.Given that UK is in a four way slumberer of having the highest number of votes in the Council und er the prim Treaty, and their voting power wil be sustain by having the third largest population in the EU once the Libson Treaty comes into emergence in late 2014 (Hixx 65). This gives the UK a strong position to influence the long-term goals of the Council, where they will be able to seek compromises with other EU states to pursue legislation that is in the UKs best interest, and to project the UKs interests (Open Europe).While if they were outside of the EU, they would not have any ability to directly influence the policies of the EU that have helped them in the past. For example, Tony Blair using his influence in the European Council to launch the Libson agenda for economic reform, is a example of British intervention that not only benefited the UK, but the entire EU as puff up (Lake). Additionally, being tied for the second highest number of MEPs in the European Parliament (EP), the UK has an influential role on all of the decisions that go through the EP.Despite the fact t he social benefits of EU membership are often overshadowed by the economic and political aspects, the loss of these benefits would negatively impair the freedom of the UK people, and negatively impact UK businesses. The free movement of UK citizens throughout the EU to travel, to attend school, live, and retire. Businesses do not only benefit by having to follow one set of regulations, but also benefit from having a larger source of potential employees to chose from.The EU employment rate in the UK is 3. 3%, while they make 4. 5% of the labor force, which shows that EU citizens have a positive impact on UK GDP (Oxford 34). If the UK were to leave the EU, there is a striking possibility that many of the EU workers employ in highly skilled areas that are crucial to the UK economy, such as financial services, would relocate back inside the EU. This once again would be another risk of firmly impairing the bedrock of the UK economy, and shifting the financial center of Europe outsid e the UK.Based upon these economic, political, and social advantages of EU membership, it is clear that it is in the UKs best interest to remain an active member in the EU. The direction of the EU is at another major crossroad as countries pull together to solve the continents monarch butterfly Debt Crisis. The stance that the UK takes at these crossroads, as the unions third largest country, is paramount not only to UKs economic and political prosperity today, but to how UK is seen as a political force and financial hub in the long-term.The UKs decision to abandon their economic and political partners has strong consequences now while the EU is in a time of hardship, and these consequences will only increase as the EU rises from this crisis. The failure of the UK to invest in their family with their European partners has a high probability to be detrimental to the economic wellbeing of the country, especially as these less developed countries are viewed as sources of proximo gro wth to the world financial markets.Thus, the British must adopt a more long-term view on their relationship with the EU, a view that they failed to see when declined to touch in the creation of EU by declining Treaties of Paris and Rome (George 32). Ill cogitate with a saying of the philosopher Santayana, which has been noted as a universal truth of place by father of value investing, benjamin Graham, that the UK should be reminded of before they further debate if they should opt out of the European consolidation yet again Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Works Cited Oxford Economics, ed.An necessary Relationship Economic Linkages between the UK and the lodge in of the European Union. Rep. London Business for red-hot Europe, 2009. Print. Booth, Stephen, Christopher Howarth, Matts Persson, and Vincenzo Scarpetta. CONTINENTAL SHIFT Safeguarding the UKs monetary Trade in a changing Europe. Rep. London Open Europe, 2011. Print. Lake, Michael. Com municating the capital of Portugal Strategy a Civic Challenge. Rep. N. p. n. p. , 2006. Print. George, Stephen. The oscilloscope Britain and Europe, 1945-1973. An Awkward Partner Britain in the European Community. Oxford Oxford UP, 1998. N. pag. Print.